Timberlake Pediatrics 8118 Timberlake Way Sacramento, CA 95823


Viewing 1 - 9 out of 9 posts

The Impact of Vaccinations on Seasonal Flu

Are you looking for a pediatrician in Sacramento, CA, to provide your child with vaccinations and preventative care? The team at Timberlake Pediatrics delivers quality care to keep children healthy. Importance Read More

Vaccines and Newborns: What Parents Need To Know about Early Vaccination

If you are a new parent or parent-to-be, you will likely be advised to have your new baby begin vaccination as soon as the first month of life. Learn more Read More

The Importance of Early Childhood Vaccinations

Children are one of the most vulnerable age groups because a child’s immune system is not as well developed as that of an adult. Early childhood vaccinations play an important Read More

The Importance of Childhood Vaccinations

When you are a parent, you probably spend a lot of time thinking about your child’s health. There is one easy way you can help ensure your child is protected Read More

Vaccinations and Flu Season

As the weather gets colder, there are more chances for your child to face sickness. As issues like the flu spread around, you want to make sure that your child Read More

Vaccinations and Flu Season

When flu season rolls around, parents must make an important choice about vaccinations to protect their children’s health. The influenza vaccine was first developed in the 1940s, and since then Read More

Why Are Vaccinations Needed?

There are ways to protect your child even when you aren’t around. You can do this by strengthening their immune systems and making sure that they’re ready to fight off Read More

Why Vaccinations Are Important

How vaccines from your pediatricians in Sacramento, CA, can help keep your child healthy Vaccinations are important for everyone, but especially for children. That’s because a child’s immune system may not Read More

The Importance of Vaccinations

Is your child due for vaccinations during his or her next visit to Timberlake Pediatrics in Sacramento, CA? Vaccinations not only protect your child's health but also help prevent the Read More

Viewing 1 - 9 out of 9 posts

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