Timberlake Pediatrics 8118 Timberlake Way Sacramento, CA 95823

When To Seek Medical Attention for Conjunctivitis

Does your child appear to have pink eye? Are they complaining about eye sensitivity? If so, you should seek care from the Timberlake Pediatrics medical team. This team of pediatricians can get to the source of conjunctivitis in Sacramento, CA.

What Is Conjunctivitis?

It is the official name for what most people know as pink eye. You know your child has pink eye if the eye appears to be very swollen and reddish. Your child may also complain about itching and irritation in the eye area, as it may feel like something is in it. Children may also have green or yellow discharge coming from the area, which can worsen at night. They may even experience blurred vision and light sensitivity. Pay attention to if their eyelids have begun to swell.

When Do I Need Medical Intervention?

In most cases, normal cases of pink eye can resolve on their own. Some people use artificial tear drops or a clean lint-free cloth, soaked in hot water to clean the crust that develops at night. However, don't hesitate to contact the team at Timberlake Pediatrics if your child is complaining about severe pain in the eye. If the discharge seems excessive, and you can’t clean it fast enough, it may be more severe.

Failure to get appropriate medical intervention for conjunctivitis in Sacramento, CA, can result in a scarred cornea. As a result, it can affect your child's vision. In very rare and severe cases, it can create permanent vision loss, particularly in babies. Other severe and uncommon cases can also contribute to meningitis.

What Causes This Condition?

Bacterial infections are one of the most common reasons for pink eye. If your child is exposed to pollutants, such as water chlorine, or smoke, they may cause eye irritation. If they have contact with infected secretions from another child or adult with pink eye and rub their eye, they can transfer the infection to themself. Extended use of contact lenses can also create this condition. Therefore, if you or your child wear contact lenses, you may have to stop wearing them for a while and opt for eyeglasses.

Pink eye can happen to any child, especially when they are around other children who may not be cautious of germs. Luckily, you can quickly get medical relief for conjunctivitis in Sacramento, CA, from your trusted team of doctors at Timberlake Pediatrics. Protect your child’s eye health and call us at (916) 688-5040 to make an appointment today.

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