Timberlake Pediatrics 8118 Timberlake Way Sacramento, CA 95823

The Role of Allergy Testing in Pediatric Care

If your child suffers from allergies, the team of skilled pediatricians at Timberlake Pediatrics in Sacramento, CA offers allergy testing to ensure optimal treatment and management.

The Role of Allergy Testing in Pediatric Care

 Many children suffer from allergies that get in the way of them living a healthy, fulfilling life. In some cases, they can prove fatal. However, the effects can be minimized, and fatal outcomes can be prevented through proper care. The team at Timberlake Pediatrics in Sacramento, CA shares the importance of allergy testing to ensure successful treatment.  

Understanding Allergies 

 If your child has an allergic reaction, it’s because they are exposed to something their body considers a threat. The immune system quickly responds by trying to fight this threat, which can lead to coughing, sneezing, runny noses, rashes, and more. These potential threats can include anything from certain types of food to pet dander. 

Allergy Testing 

 The goal of allergy testing is to determine the perceived threat that creates a reaction in your child. This can be done through a variety of methods, including those below. 

  • Skin pricks: The pediatrician applies suspected allergens to the body in very small amounts. Allergens will produce a reaction, such as swelling or redness. 
  • Challenge test: Instead of applying the suspected allergen to the skin, the pediatrician has the child breathe it in or eat it and then watches for a reaction. It’s important that this type of test only be performed by a professional, as they have the necessary skills and resources to respond if needed. 
  • Blood tests: In some cases, it’s best to analyze the child’s blood for antibodies against specific allergens. 

How Allergy Testing Helps 

 These tests provide invaluable insight to the pediatrician to identify your child’s specific allergens and the reaction they have to those allergens. This information can be used to develop a customized management strategy.

In some cases, working on ways to help your child avoid their allergens is enough. For example, if they are allergic to nickel or a specific type of laundry detergent, they can avoid reactions by avoiding nickel or switching to a different laundry soap.

For some allergens, avoidance techniques aren’t enough. This can be especially true if the allergen is something like pollen that they are likely to be exposed to at some point. In such cases, medication may be necessary. Additionally, for those who have severe reactions, emergency medication, like an EpiPen, may be necessary. 

Learn more about managing and treating childhood allergies by visiting Timberlake Pediatrics in Sacramento, CA. You can schedule an appointment by calling (916) 688-5040 today. 

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