Timberlake Pediatrics 8118 Timberlake Way Sacramento, CA 95823

ADHD and Learning Disabilities: Understanding the Connection

Is your child struggling with ADHD? The team at Timberlake Pediatrics in Sacramento, CA is dedicated to helping you manage the condition and minimize its impact.

Understanding the Connection Between ADHD and Learning Disabilities

It’s not unusual for people to refer to ADHD or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder as a learning disability, as the two have some similarities. However, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is not a learning disability. They are actually two separate things, but they are often connected. Learn more about these two struggles in the guide below from the team at Timberlake Pediatrics in Sacramento, CA.

Understanding Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is a challenge that impacts executive function, which is responsible for staying on task, memory, and more. Those with the condition can lose focus and become distracted easily. It doesn’t always lead to difficult learning, but it often does due to the difficulty of staying on task.

Understanding Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities are also challenges involving executive function. In these cases, though, the struggle comes from difficulty processing different types of information. For example, one might struggle with processing information involving language, math, reading, or more than one.

Connection Between Learning Disabilities and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

While the two challenges are separate, both can cause difficulty learning. Additionally, they can trigger one another. For example, if a child has dyscalculia, they struggle with math. If they are trying to work through math homework and have a difficult time processing the information, their attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder may take over, leading to distraction.

Additionally, being unable to focus can make it difficult to process the information they are trying to learn. In short, both types of challenges can make learning more difficult than it should be.

Overcoming the Challenges

Both attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and learning disabilities can seem so similar that they can be confused with one another. It’s also not unusual for both to be present but one masks the signs of the other.

If your child is struggling with focusing, reading, or learning in any way, know that there is hope for them to overcome their challenges.

Your pediatrician can provide a thorough diagnosis and recommend the best course of action, which can include lifestyle adjustments, learning strategies, visits to specialists, and medication if needed.

Don’t let ADHD or a learning disability interfere with your child’s learning or future. Our team at Timberlake Pediatrics in Sacramento, CA is committed to helping you both succeed on this journey. Call (916) 688-5040 to schedule an appointment today.

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