Timberlake Pediatrics 8118 Timberlake Way Sacramento, CA 95823

Vaccines and Newborns: What Parents Need To Know about Early Vaccination

If you are a new parent or parent-to-be, you will likely be advised to have your new baby begin vaccination as soon as the first month of life. Learn more about why early vaccinations are an important part of newborn care at your appointment with a pediatrician at Timberlake Pediatrics in Sacramento, CA.

About Vaccinations for Newborns

Newborn babies are so new to the world that many people do not think they need any medical treatment yet. However, newborns should go to the doctor almost immediately and receive early vaccinations to protect them from potential viral infections. Children as young as a few days old will ideally receive vaccinations while in the hospital and soon after being released.

Early Vaccination: What Parents Need To Know

Parents should understand that vaccinations are not harmful to a child but rather they are beneficial and protective. They help the child's immune system strengthen and learn how to protect against common childhood illnesses. Doctors recommend that children receive vaccination every year up until the time they are 18 years old and they are often required by educational institutions. Vaccinations have been a standard of medical care for both children and adults since the early 1900s and have saved millions of lives since.

Common Vaccinations for Early Childhood

When you visit your Sacramento, CA, pediatrician for the initial appointments you will receive a schedule for upcoming vaccinations. These are some of the most common vaccinations that your pediatrician will recommend for your newborn child:

  • Diphtheria
  • RSV
  • Hepatitis A and B
  • Polio
  • Rotavirus
  • Covid-19
  • Influenza
  • Measles and mumps

Schedule Newborn Vaccinations

Even if you are a bit behind schedule for your child's vaccinations, you can get back on track with the help and advice of a pediatrician at Timberlake Pediatrics in Sacramento, CA. Call (916) 688-5040 today for a checkup and newborn wellness consultation.

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